Community Portal

Stefany Solis Oñate
Stefany Solis Oñate
  • Signed up 4 years, 1 month ago
  • Last seen 4 years ago

Completed tasks

Date Task Project Points
Aug 18, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Modulo 1, Bucaramanga
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Aug 26, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Bucaramanga, Santander
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Bucaramanga, Santander
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 26, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Bucaramanga, Santander
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Bucaramanga, Santander
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Barrios y comunas de Cali
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 26, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Balance Económico 2018 y Perspectivas 2019 Valle del Cauca
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Resultados Censo Nacional de Población y Vivienda 2018
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Resolución 2254 de 2017
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Resolución 0330 de 2017
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Decreto Único Reglamentario 1076 de 2015
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Macrozonificación de terrenos de Cali
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 26, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Censo arbóreo de Santiago de Cali
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 26, 2020 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 27, 2020 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aug 29, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 29, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Total población Bucaramanga
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 29, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Total población Bucaramanga
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 31, 2020 Document uploaded to the library
Normativa ambiental Bucaramanga
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 31, 2020 Webpage uploaded to the library
Distribución de población, Santander Bucaramanga
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 31, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Cobertuta de Energia, Bucaramanga
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 31, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Mapa Google Earth Calidad del Agua
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 31, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Parametros Red de Calidad del Agua
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 31, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Índice de la Calidad del Agua 2015 de la Red de Monitores de la Calidad del Agua del AMB
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 31, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Parametros Red de Calidad del Agua
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Clasificación del Suelo Municipal
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Categorías del suelo, Bucaramanga
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Subsistema Vial, Bucaramanga
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Estructura Ecológica Principal, Bucaramanga
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Subsistema de Infraestructura Vial
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Subsistema de transporte, Bucaramanga
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 03, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Areas de Actividad
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 10, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Promedios Climatologicos 1981 - 2010
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 10, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Características Climatologías de Ciudades Principales y Municipios Turísticos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 10, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Boletín Estadístico de Minas y Energía 2016-2018
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 10, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Balance Energético Colombiano – BECO Anual
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 10, 2020 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Balance Energético Colombiano – BECO Indicadores
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Total 152