
Industrial crops by NUTS 2 regions

measured in holding / hectare and stand output in Euro
ARA Arable land
I0000 Industrial crops
I1110 Rape and turnip rape seeds
I1120 Sunflower seed
I1130 Soya
I1140 Linseed (oilflax)
I1150_2300 Cotton seed and fibre
I1190 Other oilseed crops n.e.c.
I2100 Fibre flax
I2200 Hemp
I2900 Other fibre crops n.e.c.
I3000 Tobacco
I4000 Hops
I5000 Aromatic, medicinal and culinary plants
I9000 Other industrial crops n.e.c.

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Abruzzo , Adana, Mersin , Agder og Rogaland , Agri, Kars, Igdir, Ardahan , Alentejo , Algarve , Alsace , AndalucĂ­a , Ankara , ... view all (0)

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