
Cereals by NUTS 2 regions

holdings and hectares for
ARA Arable land
C0000 Cereals for the production of grain (including seed)
C1110 Common wheat and spelt
C1120 Durum wheat
C1200 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (maslin)
C1300 Barley
C1400 Oats and spring cereal mixtures (mixed grain other than maslin)
C1500 Grain maize and corn-cob-mix
C1600_1700_1900 Other cereals (including triticale and sorghum)
C2000 Rice

Associated spaces

Abruzzo , Adana, Mersin , Agder og Rogaland , Agri, Kars, Igdir, Ardahan , Alentejo , Algarve , Alsace , AndalucĂ­a , Ankara , ... view all (0)

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